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Introduction to
Satyananda Yoga
Satyananda Yoga is an internationally renowned approach to yoga that is firmly grounded in tradition and at the same time is deeply relevant to contemporary living.
02.06 - 21.07.2016

Satyananda Yoga differs from other forms of yoga in that it does not place the main focus on asanas (postures).
This course aims to allow students the chance to not only experience some of the key practices (asanas/postures to balance the body and mind; pranayama/breathing techniques to work on the energy body and simple meditation techniques to calm and focus the mind) but to also experience the attitude that differentiates this approach.

8 week introduction 02.06 - 21.07.2016
Every Thursday from 8 AM to 9 AM.
Price 80 lv.

Information and reservations: 0877 744 108 or